Hook Expounds Upon Nothing.... and aimlessly pursues the trivial.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

The Best of 2007.

Here it is, the end 2007, and as you know at the end of every year I give you my best of the year. The long awaited list is vetted and fretted over many a long minute. I fend off the badgering and hounding to come up with..... something.

So, here it is:

Best CD

The Fratellies

And the best movie the of year:

Animal House

And that my friends, is 2007 in a nutshell. Where it belongs.

Friday, December 21, 2007

I go shopping once a year, I mean shoping for gifts and what not. Not shopping for undewear, I do that online. So while I am shopping it reminds me of why I only do this kind of shopping once a year. I did get some good stuff and I think my family will apprecite my efforts, but I do have better things to do than walking around a mall. Things like working on the Phi Tau website so my good friend Chuck Yeagermeister doesn't get all CIC or CID on me.
